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WRT 100

This guide will provide you with supplemental assistance with basic information literacy skills.

Finding Articles

You will need to log into each database from off campus with your myNU Login. 

EBSCOhost: This large multidisciplinary database is a great place to start no matter what the major. Learn more in this TUTORIAL.

ProQuest: Very similar to Ebsco in regards to the vast amount of research available within it. However, they are in direct competition with each other so they hold different subscriptions. This database also includes eBook Central which includes ebooks that may be related to your topic. Learn more in this TUTORIAL

Statista: This database will help support your argument by offering relevant statistics on current topics. Great to include in the introduction section of your paper. The use of statistics will help the reader identify why the issue matters. Learn more in this TUTORIAL

Opposing Viewpoints in Context: Explores issues in a unique pro/con format. Limited amount of research available, but the Browse Topics page is great for those looking for paper ideas. Additional articles found in either Ebsco or Proquest are required if using this databases as a starting point.