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Online Teacher's Studio (OTS): Technology Spotlight

Dr. Caitlin Riegel and Chris Plantone received an Academic Strategic Initiative Grant from Niagara University to develop the Online Teacher's Studio (OTS), a repository of existing and emerging educational technologies and resources. OTS is set up for individuals to search for technologies that may best fit their courses and instructional style. In addition to providing categorized technologies, supplemental information and resources are provided so individuals can identify technologies that may best fit with their needs.

In an effort to promote OTS, each semester one technology is highlighted with access to professional development and paid accounts provided as needed. We hope that this provides a resource for you to review and incorporate educational technologies into your own courses, as well as for your to utilize as a resource for students within your courses!

Technology Spotlight

Edpuzzle is a teaching tool used to place interactive content into pre-existing videos from a variety of sources, such as TED or YouTube, or into videos you have madeThis specific technology was selected for several reasons, including:

Integrate with Canvas to sync grades
Education Law Section 2-D compliant as recommended by NYS
Currently utilized in K-12 districts
Already utilized within the College of Education by several faculty
Can be supported by Chris Plantone
Can be used in person or virtual classes, synchronously or asynchronously
Allows faculty to utilize their existing recordings or online videos
Provides detailed analytics and useful metrics for students’ engagement
Free account allows up to 20 videos

Workshops & Training

Fall 2024 professional development on Edpuzzle hosted by Dr. Riegel and Mr. Plantone:

  • Date: Tuesday September 17, 2024

  • Time: 12:15 - 1:15pm

  • Location: Zoom (link will be provided upon sign-up)

Instructional Technology Support Specialist

Profile Photo
Chris Plantone
ACAD 329 F

College of Education Contact

Profile Photo
Dr. Caitlin Riegel
Academic Complex 326A
O: 716.286.8315 | C: 716.440.2702