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Online Teacher's Studio (OTS): About

About the Online Teacher's Studio (OTS)

The Online Teacher’s Studio (OTS) supports the Niagara University Community, and specifically the College of Education (e.g., Lewiston campus, Ontario campus, ICA students in Brooklyn, virtual graduate students, etc.), by providing a repository of existing and emerging educational technologies and resources. The development of OTS speaks to the University’s commitment to technology integration and continues the work that the Committee for College Teaching and Learning (CCTL) began in 2000 to promote active and integrative learning on the University’s campus.

To meet the growing use of technology across all disciplines, OTS provides Niagara University faculty with resources to promote innovative teaching practices for 21st century learning environments within higher education settings. 

Specifically in the field of education, OTS provides Niagara University teacher educators the tools to model the use of various technologies in their own courses in an effort to prepare teacher candidates to navigate and use these in the field. OTS also serves as a resource for Niagara University teacher candidates and practicing P-12 teachers as they develop their own lessons, effectively manage their classrooms, promote student engagement in classroom activities, develop assessments that foster student creativity, allow student collaboration through various mediums, convey discipline specific knowledge in an effective way for 21st century learners, etc.

OTS is set up for individuals to search for technologies that may best fit their courses and instructional style. In addition to providing categorized technologies, supplemental information and resources are provided so individuals can identify technologies that may best fit with their needs.

To promote the use of OTS as a resource, a “Technology Spotlight” is provided that highlights one technology in which College of Education faculty can request a free license to try.

Individuals can provide suggestions for technology to be added to OTS, as well as provide feedback on OTS. 

Niagara University Strategic Plan Alignment

Objective Support of Strategic Plan
Objective I: Elevate academic excellence and reputation through student-centered, collaborative, experiential and integrative approaches to learning in preparation for 21st century careers.
  • OTS elevates academic excellence by providing faculty with a starting point to reference when seeking to make their lessons more engaging and provide integrative approaches to learning, keeping NU current and on the forefront of modern learning.
  • OTS prepares teacher candidates for 21st century classrooms by exposing to technologies they may see in the field and can utilize to meet the ever-changing needs of their own students.
  • OTS elevates Niagara University's reputation by serving as an exemplar for other institutions currently trying to develop similar resources.
Objective II: Cultivate a culture that fosters excellence in all of our experiences, including development of the campus, support services, and technologies.
  • OTS fosters the development of a modern campus through exposure to existing and emerging educational technologies.
  • OTS works to enhance classroom environments placing Niagara University on the forefront of modern learning so the campus remains current and draws in students to strengthen revenue.
Objective III: Advance impactful collaborations that focus on mission and civic engagement to benefit the Greater Niagara Region and Niagara University.
  • OTS provides a resource to the Niagara University community, including partner school districts specifically in the Greater Niagara Region looking for emerging or existing instructional technologies.

The Online Teacher's Studio (OTS) was developed with funding from Niagara University through an Academic Strategic Initiative Grant.

Instructional Technology Support Specialist

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Chris Plantone
ACAD 329 F

College of Education Contact

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Dr. Caitlin Riegel
Academic Complex 326A
O: 716.286.8315 | C: 716.440.2702