You may search for books and the following using this link:
Recreational DVDs (2nd floor)
Educational DVDs (2nd floor)
Basic office supplies - pens, highlighters, tape, etc. (ask at the main floor Information Desk)
Board games (on main floor)
Library of Things (ask at the main floor Information Desk), which includes:
24-hour study spaces (requires NU ID)
Can contact the library by phone, email, text, or in-person
Help with researching a topic
Help finding specific items
Requesting an item to be held for you
Databases - journal/magazine/newspaper articles
Noodletools - citation management software (need to create free account)
Interlibrary loan - request books/articles to get from other libraries
Catalog - search for books or other items that NU Library has
Reserve Collection - books or DVDs for a specific class. These are placed on reserve at the request of the instructor.
Computers - both Windows and Mac
Past editions of the Niagaran yearbook (on Main Floor)
Student theses and dissertations
Computer software:
Printers on each floor, that can also photocopy and scan
Print/document station on the main floor, which has a paper cutter and paper shredder.
Laminating available by asking at the Service Desk
Teacher's Studio & Makerspace, which includes: